An enchanted and mystical realm hidden within the Labyrinth of Sordrin, carved through a deep, lush jungle, The Mystical Ruins is filled with ancient, crumbling corridors and littered with towering ancient ruins ripe for exploring.
The Mystical ruins will be a colossal 3,600 x 3,600 maze adventure server filled to the brim with traps, puzzles, challenges, treasure and high adventure!
The map will be released 1/4 at a time in a gamemode we call Maze Blaze, a race to the end of an unexplored maze, complete with prizes and awards, with a variety of additional challenges and prizes! Stay tuned for more on that.
For an early sneak peek of the trailer and to join our alpha test and try it out, please Subscribe to us. It helps maintain the server and creating awesome new content for you to play!